Jared Boigon

Jared Boigon, a founding partner of TeamCivX, has worked in campaigns, politics and government since the mid-1990s, and personally guided more than 100 successful efforts producing voter-approved revenue for school districts, community colleges, cities, counties and special districts.

His work includes multiple public education efforts for Los Angeles County agencies, leading to voter approval for various essential programs, including the nation’s largest urban parks funding measure for LA County Regional Parks & Open Space Measure in 2016. He served as General Consultant for CA Props 1 & 2 in 2018, where voters approved a $4 billion statewide affordable housing bond and $2 billion for the No Place Like Home program, which funds permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless living with mental illness.

Jared began working in grassroots campaigns in the early 1990s. He later worked as a speechwriter and policy analyst for then-Colorado Governor Roy Romer. He helped pass over a dozen local public finance ballot measures in his home state of Colorado before coming to join TBW in California. Jared graduated cum laude from Amherst College in 1994.

Jared’s extensive experience in political campaigns, from volunteer organizer and campaign manager to media consultant, helped him guide his mother’s successful citywide election to the Denver City Council in Spring of 2003, where she outpaced six competitors to win an at-large open seat in her first-ever bid for elected office. (She retired from City Council in 2011.)

Jared, Kimberly, and their two daughters live in San Francisco, where he enjoys swimming, bike rides, and reading John LeCarré.


Stephanie Bianca


Jackson Bouchard